To remove the text that says: Graph this data and manage this system at while keeping the useful system information, edit the script that puts Landscape information into the message of the day (MOTD):

sudo nano -w /etc/update-motd.d/50-landscape-sysinfo

The last line currently reads:


Change this to say (on one line):

/usr/bin/landscape-sysinfo --exclude-sysinfo-plugins=LandscapeLink

Save the file (Ctrl-X, Y, Enter)

Test this by running:


It should look like:

  System information as of Tue Nov 24 13:28:10 <span class="caps">GMT</span> 2009</p>

  System load: 0.0                Memory usage: 37%   Processes:       99
  Usage of /:  22.5% of 12.92GB   Swap usage:   0%    Users logged in: 1